After seven months of dithering, I finally found the perfect bed for my huge bedroom. I couldn't opt for an ordinary bed, which would have been lost in this immensity. I'm only slightly exaggerating: I measured its area at 62sqm, that is about 667sq ft (inclusive of dressing room, bathroom and terrace).
Last week I saw a nice carved bed on the roadside, but after enquiries, it appeared that it was king size, whereas all the mattresses here are only doubles. The carpenter told me he had a double bed in the making and showed me rough planks he had only just started carving. Nonetheless, I liked what I saw and decided to put a downpayment on it.
The bed was delivered yesterday and look at how beautiful it is!

The carpenter who did it is an artist, I think, even though he calls himself "just" a carpenter. There are quite a few wonderful discoveries one can make here. I guess it is why I love this country so much.
A word about "fair trade": I did not discuss the price. I know it is standard procedure and it labels me as a "foreigner" when I do not, but I found the price he quoted "fair", and thought it was a good thing if he felt that he made easy money and I that I made a bargain and obtained a beautiful, unique work of art.