How dit it all begin? Not so young and supposedly experienced, I thought I could help my neighbour, that he would welcome my help, that we would work at it hand in hand and that in a not too remote future, we would all rejoice at being alive and well, better for the stimulating cooperation we would have experienced...

Today, I am much more circumspect. Having pursued my dream to exhaustion, I have now more questions than answers:
1. Does my neighbour feel the need I, as an outside observer, think has to be fulfilled?
2. Does my neighbour want to be helped and, if so, am I the help he desires?
3. Am I qualified to help him? What superior experience/know-how/skill do I have that makes me fit to help him?
4. Do my values remain valid once I cross the threshold of my neighbour's house? Does what I perceive as valid for me have the same value in his context? Is there anything like universal values? If so, which are they?
5. What if the statu quo were actually the wisest option?
Help. I need help. Everything is getting blurred and grey. Must be oxygen deprivation now that the quicksands are well above my head.